Our basic beliefs
In common with most of Christianity, we believe that God created a perfect world but that man fell into sin, which severed his relationship with God who is holy and can have no part of sin. God has returned to rescue us by his entry into the world in human form as Jesus Christ. His death and resurrection provide the means for restoring the relationship through our faith.
We believe that Jesus Christ was God manifest in the flesh and that he was born of a virgin. He came to live upon this earth to reveal the nature of God and, as an expression of God's love for mankind, to die on the cross at Calvary some 2000 years ago as a perfect sacrifice for sin. We believe that he rose from the dead and that he will return for his people.
We discover from the Bible that we are all contaminated by sin from birth but that we can be forgiven from all sin - past, present and future - by seeking God's forgiveness and accepting Jesus' sacrificial death as payment. This forgiveness, according to the Bible, is not generic but is available to individuals who believe that the death of Christ on the cross applies to them personally and that salvation - the forgiveness of sin, the restoration of the relationship with God and the gift of everlasting life - comes through repentance and complete trust in his sacrificial death. Upon exercising such faith, we become "new creatures" and live thereafter as God's own people.